The Races of Eotha

The Momindi

While the landscape of vast rolling plains, and the herds of wild horses, are the same on either side of the Broken Seaway, the Union of Momind is, socailly, a country of two halves.

In eastern Momind there is parity of roles for men and women. The workload is shared and the opportunities equal. Although the mafia based heirarchy is still in place in the east, it is far more settled, stable, and low key when compared to the ruthless west - and still only applies in the towns. Outwith the towns, the nomadic horse people of the plains bear alligiance to no-one.

Western Momind is a very different beast. Women are little but slaves, often shackled in public, bought and sold at markets, and exported along with other goods. The mafia rule the towns with an iron fist, and grudgingly bow to the President in the capital, Kidligo.

East or west, head scarves, soft leather jerkins with tall leather boots is the standard apparel for men; and likewise for eastern women.

FACT: Bribery and noteriety are the only semi-assured means to keep a trading caravan safe from briggands. Traveling without protection is a dangerous, and possibly life-limiting occupation.

The Bhadians

Bhadian is a sweltering land of jungles and swamps. It's people are the only feline race in Eotha.

The people of the republic are well educated, with medical training being one of the most popular branches. From herbalism to field surgery, a Bhadian medic or pharmacologist in your team is a must.

Because Bhadian medics are found throughout Eotha, they are often accused of spying; especially as the University of Ómópr is known for training the most deadly assassins in the West.

The interior of Bhadia is a vast jungle full of deadly the most dangerous fauna and flora known in Eotha. Few enter the jungle and of those, even fewer come out. This is why most Bhadians live in the swamps and marshes surrounding the jungle. The huge pyramid towns provide the only respite from the heat, insects, leaches, and other nasties.

FACT: The Bhadian tool of choice is the machette. It is used to clear paths in the jungle, as a weapon, and as an everyday blade. Every Bhadian carries a family heirloom machette.

The Necalli

Standing out from the crowd in their off-white robes and light blue skin, the tall and thin Necalli are calm and quiet. Softly spoken, when they do so, and slow to anger, they are a peaceful people who group together in extended families, often living as one unit in a large villa complex. For the most part, they are farmers and craftsmen and women; plying their trades in the same calm way they do everything. By night however, their family get-togethers often lead to incestuous orgies fuelled partly by their world famous wines and spirits.

With their robes, bald heads, and quiet contemplation, the Necalli could easily be mistaken for a religious sect; but the truth is they have no religion. The society is built on family, often extended family, which blends into neighbouring families. They are down to earth, open, warm and welcoming, almost childlike and näive.

The exception to this easy going nature is the forbidden cities of Ix and Ix-Ku, where foreigners are banned, and even other Necalli steer clear. These feared, silent Necalli are easy to spot when they travel, which is not ofen, by their colored robes and auras of quiet power.

FACT: Necalli parties are the best orgies in the world. Invite only.

The Ternians

Distant Ternia is only to be reached by the Great Eastern Tradeway as it skirts the Desert of Ghosts, or by sea from Carialand or Adrak. The sworn enemy and counter opposite of the Momindi, Ternia is a female dominated militaristic society where rarely born males are uneducated, and kept for breeding, entertainment, and sport.

Ternians dislike the cold, wet weather, or overly hot weather, so mainly stay in their extended heated or cooled houses. Mostly it is the males that do the work and make or build to keep the country running, although the female population rule absolutely. Men visiting Ternia should expect a cool even hostile reception from the lace clad Ternian women, and be wary of the military who's justice is swift, decisive, and final.

Everything is Ternia is top quality; from the road network, the food, hospitality (towards women), and the cleanlieness of the dwellings.

Ternain families are denoted by the color of their lace or decoration on their sheepskin coats. There is often tension between families as they vie for political power, and whilst most households hava a Bhadian nurse, often these are also assassins to help with the quest for power.

FACT: When indoors, Ternian women wear only translucent lace. The higher up in society they are, the finer and more transparent the lacework. All Ternian women carry a pair of daggers.

The Adraki

Adraki society is deed based, rather than gender based. One's deeds and accomplishments are the driver for heirarchical stature. On the whole, the men are physically stronger, the women smarter. This leads to an equal society where the village elders are chosen by the life they've lead./p>

With a mostly cold climate, except for the far south, national dress is mostly furs and leathers. A sea faring nation, with the greatest percentage of coastline, the ocean is large part of Adraki life, culture, and diet. At all times, the Endless Adraki Bay is filled with myriad boats and shipping.

There is an ongoing cold war with the Union of Momind; the Adraki being a straight forward and forthright people, they have zero tolerance for drugs, slavery, and other Momindi delights. Spying, though, is a common career for those not into ocean life; Arany is known as the information capital of Eotha. Nothing happens anywhere that Arany doesn't already know.

FACT: Legends say that is the Adraki who save Eotha from the Dragons of the icy wastes to the north, and the people of Renjai are the gate keepers.

The Carians

A land of dry heat and mineral wealth. The interior of Carialand is mostly semi-arid desert, with rounded tundra hills and sparse woodland, in the south.

Standing somewhat below average height, of fair skin, and dressed in white shirts with coloured dresses or leather tassets with waistcoats, the firey Carians match the heat of their country. This flair also leads to fabled artworks and smithing masterpieces, thanks to the unsurpassed mineral wealth of the nation and it's free education system.

FACT: Carian artistry and metalwork is renowned across Eotha; the finest wares and masterpieces can be seen and purchased in Pedro known as the heart and soul of Caria.

The BaraBara

Very little is known about the BaraBara. No roads cross the border, no ports lie on the southern coast, and by all accounts, the borders are unguarded. It is said that the ghosts take anyone who ventures onto BaraBara territory.

The people are believed to all work towards the great task - a series of written prophesies - that only they can comprehend. They are, aledgedly, in league with the ghosts of Chu Wei'ah and Ko D'na and have tunnels deep under the Ula mountains into the Desert of Ghosts.

It would be very rare for anyone to see BaraBara people outside of their borders.

FACT: Their prophecies include the Books of Chu, the Ula D'na Chronicles, and Eoth Eldar; excerpts from which can be found in old libraries across Eotha.

The Dryn

A very short green skinned race, the Dryn live on a large island off the Bhadian coast. With no major roads between settlements, they rely on their geo-technical devices for travel and trade. Living apart for a thousand years, they discovered and developed their technologies based on the "Anomolous Magma".

Highly intelligent, argumentative, and annoying; the Dryn are definitely on the autistic scale. They excell at science, mathematics, and geo-mancy. Almost comical to outsiders, they are a race of professors and mentalist scientists. For all of this they are a totally equal society where only success in experimentation sets you above your peers.

Their technologies are now in use in every town and village across Eotha, allowing people and goods to travel instantly across vast distances - for a price. The orange glow of their portals, control panels, and global banking outlets are known world wide.

FACT: The go-to work of Dryn learning is "The Works of Scientific Methodology With Reference To Geo-Technical Magma Anomaly And The Computational Heuristic Approach To Potential Phase Alignment WIthin Said Anomalous Magma" by Arch Technician Brutti, the mother of all Dryn.

The Adriali

The center of the world of Eotha, Adria is a small country with the world's largest marketplace. Housed inside the walled capital city of Shadefell, caravans arrive daily from the four corners of the world to barter and trade wares, whilst outside the walls the tented encampments of the caravaneers and merchants line the Tradeway routes.

The Adrialli themselves are an even tempered and easy going race, tolerating most things that come from the outside world, so as not to interfere with valued trade. Generally, they are average in both height and build, and fair of skin. Adrialli society is fair and just with equal roles and opportunities for men and women alike.

FACT: Food is served without cutlery. Every Adrialli carries an eating knife and wooden spoon with them at all times. Crafting and gifting of carved, decorated spoons is a tradition.

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